Ingredienti: per 4 persone

1 lb sweet almonds, peeled
1 ¾ oz bitter almonds, peeled
3 ½ oz sugar
10 cups water

Almond milk is commonly found in Sicily where it is drunk very cold in the Spring and around Easter time. It was likely to have been invented in a Sicilian monastery and then spread across the island as a drink that was refreshing and full of energy.

Almonds were introduced to Sicily more than 2,000 years ago by the Phoenicians who brought them directly from Asia. At the time, almonds were eaten as fruit to be used as medicine or in dessert recipes. It wasn’t until the Arabs arrived in Sicily that almonds became the foundation of Sicilian pastries.

The Arabs taught the Sicilians to mix almonds with eggs and honey to make a base for many sweets and pastries. It should come as no surprise that almonds have been grown across the island for centuries. Up until a hundred years ago, the province of Agrigento was the biggest almond producer in the world. Nowadays, if you visit Siracusa in early spring, you will be surrounded by rosy white clouds of almond trees in bloom.



Tiramisù, "a piece of heaven in your mouth" is the Official Dish of the IDIC (International day of Italian Cuisines) 2013, a worldwide celebration of authentic and quality Italian Cuisine. The IDIC 2013 official dish is TIRAMISÙ, undoubtedly the most widely known dolce italiano in the world

Ingredients for 10 people

220 gr Egg
100 gr Sugar
500 gr Mascarpone
80 gr Marsala wine
50 gr Coffee
Savoiardi (similar to but larger 15/16 than Ladyfingers)
1.- The Rewards of Walking the Cinque Terre.
The Rewards of Walking the Cinque Terre.
I hiked the Cinque Terre. Yes I did. Ok, not all of it – one pathway is impassable due to a landslide in 2011, but I walked as much as I could. I climbed up a plethora of stairs, rocks, and all for what? All to see the 5 stunning villages of the Cinque Terre; Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarolo, and Riomaggiore! My mind can convince my body of anything and everything. Such as – No, you don
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