Italian Cheese: expression of tradition and creativity.

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If it is true that a good way to know a city or a country is through its cheese production, this statement is especially true in the case of Italy and its cheese, that expressively collect the traditional creative imagination of the Italians. It is a true national heritage, the result of the geographic and cultural diversity of the Alpine country.

The northern area has the largest production and also the largest number of varieties, while in the remaining regions are elaborations of a great wealth. In any case, the most appreciated Italian cheeses are produced in limited geographic areas, with very peculiar environmental and climatic characteristics, breeding techniques and livestock feeding, milk quality and cheesemaking methods and specific healing.

Formaggio fresco in mantello di speck su un letto d’indivia belga To preserve these features and the quality of processed cheese in Italy there is specific legislation on Appellations of Controlled Origin (DOC) which includes up to 30 varieties, all with the added recognition awarded by the European Union and cheese with Protected Designation of Origin.

Here are the most typical and most traditional, from the documentation provided by the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade and the Association of Italian Cheese Denomination of Controlled Origin (AFIDOC) Italian cheeses.

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