
1.- Almond milk.
Almond milk.
Ingredienti: per 4 persone 1 lb sweet almonds, peeled 1 ¾ oz bitter almonds, peeled 3 ½ oz sugar 10 cups water Almond milk is commonly found in Sicily where it is drunk very cold in the Spring and around Easter time. It was likely to have been invented in a Sicilian monastery and then spread across the island as a drink that was refreshing and full of energy. Almonds
2.- Tiramisu: The Authentic Recipe.
Tiramisu: The Authentic Recipe.
Tiramisù, "a piece of heaven in your mouth" is the Official Dish of the IDIC (International day of Italian Cuisines) 2013, a worldwide celebration of authentic and quality Italian Cuisine. The IDIC 2013 official dish is TIRAMISÙ, undoubtedly the most widely known dolce italiano in the world Ingredients for 10 people 220 gr Egg100 gr Sugar500 gr Mascarpone80 gr Marsala wine50 gr
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